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Main Menu

Main Menu

Tap  Main (the position varies according to the mobile device) of any MyCardRules screen
to display the main menu.
● Home: Lists all managed cards.
● Transactions: Provides access to transactions for all managed cards.
● Messages: Displays all alert messages.
● Find Us: Locates all ATMs near your current location.
● Contact Us: Provides the financial institution's contact information.
● Legal & Help: Provides the financial institution's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
and shows Help information for MyCardRules top-level screens.
● Manage Portfolio: Allows you to manage your registered cards.
● Settings: Allows you to modify your general and security settings.
● Log Out: Logs you out of this session with MyCardRules.


View Transactions

On the main menu, tap Transactions.
View recent transactions and view the details of a selected transaction.

See View Transaction Details for detailed directions on navigating the Transactions screens.


On the main menu, tap Messages.
The Messages screen displays three types of messages:
● Card and Account Alerts
● Other Alerts
● Transaction Alerts

Card and account alerts display messages pertaining to your card, such as when the card is
shared with a dependent user, or when a control has been changed.

Other alerts include messages from the financial institution pertaining to the card.

Transaction alerts are where the cardholder may view all alerts generated from their
MyCardRules alerts preferences.
Messages remain on the Messages screen for seven days and are then automatically removed.

Find ATM Locations (Find Us)

The Find Us feature identifies the locations of nearby ATMs based on the current location of
your mobile device.

Find Us can be accessed from two places in MyCardRules:

● On the main menu screen, tap Find Us.
● On the Login screen, tap Find Us. 
Find us image

You can narrow an ATM search by providing the ZIP code or city name in the Enter Zip Code/
City field where your ATMs are located. In addition, you may need to provide the ZIP code if the
map function cannot determine your location.

MyCardRules displays all local ATMs on a map.

● Green pins indicate ATMs belonging to your financial institution.
● Red pins indicate all other ATMs. (Fees may apply for use.)

Contacting the Financial Institution

The Contact Us screen provides the name of the financial institution and the various ways
cardholders can contact it.
1. On the main menu, go to Settings > Contact Us.
2. Call or email the financial institution.
Situation Steps
To call the financial institution: 1. On the Contact Us screen, tap the phone
2. On your mobile device dialing screen, tap
the Call icon.
To email the financial institution:
1. On the Contact Us screen, tap Email.
MyCardRules is directed to your default
email client. The FI's contact email
address is already provided in the To field.
2. Compose your message and send it to the
financial institution.

Viewing Legal Documents and Getting Help

The Legal & Help screen provides these functions:

● Direct access to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
● Context-sensitive help for each screen in MyCardRules.
● A link to a Send App Info email already addressed to the support team and containing
   information about your mobile device.

1. On the main menu, tap Legal & Help.
2. Tap Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy to view those documents.
3. Tap Help to read general information about how to use MyCardRules.
4. Tap Send App Info to send a message to the support team containing information about
    your mobile device that the support team finds useful in diagnosing a problem with

Managing Your Portfolio

Your portfolio consists of your credit cards, debit cards, and ATM cards that have been
registered with MyCardRules.
1. Tap Menu from any MyCardRules screen.
2. On the main menu, tap Manage Portfolio to open the Manage Portfolio screen.
3. Manage your cards.
    a) Tap Add Card to add a card for MyCardRules to manage.
    b) Select or deselect existing cards for MyCardRules to manage.
        Check or uncheck the box next to a card and tap OK to add or remove it from
        MyCardRules alerts and controls.
    c) Unsubscribe from MyCardRules if desired.

Adding a Card

Follow these steps to add a card to your portfolio.

1. On the Manage Portfolio screen, tap Add Card.
2. Enter the entire card number.
3. Follow the same process to add a card as you did when you registered your first card with
    MyCardRules, with a few exceptions.

    You are not asked to accept the Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy again. You are
    not required to create a Login account. See Registering a Card for detailed directions on
    registering a card.

Unmanage a Card in MyCardRules

You may unmanage a card after adding it to MyCardRules. Unmanaged cards are not subject to
MyCardRules alerts and controls. The card may not be turned off or on using MyCardRules if it
has been unchecked on the Manage Portfolio screen.

To unmanage a card, clear the check box next to the card and tap OK. The card continues to
appear in the Manage Portfolio list. The card appears in the list as long as the card status is
Active in the financial institution's back-office system.
You may later select the check box to manage the card again.

Unsubscribe from MyCardRules

You may unsubscribe from MyCardRules.

The following actions occur when you unsubscribe:

● All card control services are unavailable.
● You do not receive any further transaction alerts.
● You can no longer log on to MyCardRules.
● All information for all cards is removed from MyCardRules.

To unsubscribe, unselect all your cards and tap OK. When you unselect the last card,
MyCardRules prompts you to confirm that you want to unsubscribe from MyCardRules.

To use MyCardRules again after unsubscribing, re-register using the New User function on the
Login screen. You are able to use the same user name as long as it is still available within